Friday, May 24, 2013

Heading into Memorial Day Weekend

 A couple pics from Jenna's game Wednesday night. She caught two line drives (I did have to ask my dad how to word that correctly) - it was very exciting! Coach Chapman referred to her as a little "spider monkey", shooting her arm out to the right place in an instant. I think he also told her she was like a magnet to the ball, or something to that effect. It is still a huge adjustment to move up to the older league and learn all the rules, but she's doing a great job. I'll be taking her to her game tonight while Jeremy takes Jared and Julia to Tyson Grgurich's graduation party.
She's READY. 

Jenna's game followed Julia's. Julia was able to
sweet-talk Grandpa into some nachos. 
 Yesterday was the last day of school. The girls got out at Noon and Gigi picked them up. They played on the school playground a bit and then went to Dollar Tree (they each got a "wig," something Julia's been after for a while - it isn't a full one, just on the sides of their face, pretty crazy looking!) and for $1 smoothies at McDonalds. The girls are none too spoiled! Jared walked home with his friend Conner and kicked off summer vacation by playing until about 6:30 or so. Mom is watching them for me today; I'm off Monday for Memorial Day, and then our sitter, Sam, starts on Tuesday. I'm a little concerned with keeping up financially with childcare payments, but here's hoping to a great summer for the kids!

Mom sent me these: Playing after school on the last day of kindergarten. 
A little dark, but here's Jenna on the last day of 4th grade with a few of her
awards. She had several, including "hardest worker" in her class and perfect attendance!
My Saturday will be spent tomorrow cleaning UP and cleaning OUT the garage after a long winter. Monday will be a BBQ at Gramps before taking the girls to dance at 4:30 - their last classes before their recital!

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