Friday, April 19, 2013

Celebrating Basketball

Last night we went to the athletic banquet at Mary Immaculate. Our star basketball player received her trophy and award - we are very proud of her! Some comments from one of her coaches as they introduced her: 

As a 4th grader, Jenna really surprised us - she was definitely an upper-end athlete. 
Jenna had an amazing physical awareness of the court. 
And something to the effect of Jenna being their rebound girl. 

My girls just before dinner (and Jared in the background)

Jenna's team and coaches

Tomorrow the girls are both to start softball practice (they were to start this week but we got A LOT of rain and both were cancelled). I'm not sure if the fields will even be dry enough tomorrow. Anyway, Julia has decided on a softball theme for her birthday (which she has been saying is "coming up" since February). I think that will be really cute, especially since this is her first year to play. I'm already getting some cute party and invitation ideas and will be getting her a bat and bat bag for her gifts, and probably some wacky socks (she should have a lot of fun mixing those, as she tends to do on a regular basis). We plan to have it at the ball park, and since it will be on a Sunday (Mother's Day), hopefully there won't be many, if any, people there. The shelter is right next to a playground, and weather permitting, they'll get to play some ball on one of the fields. We haven't had great luck with weather for her birthday over the past 5 years (2nd birthday was day after Kirksville's big tornado; 3rd birthday was sweltering hot and stifling humid - the frosting was melting off the cupcakes; 4th birthday was COLD and WINDY). Here's to hoping this year will be a beautiful day for playing outside!

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